For President, I Am Voting For…

For President, I Am Voting For… Daniel 6:1-4 This coming Tuesday, November 2, we shall elect the President of the United States. It is without any question the most powerful office on the face of the earth. That office has been occupied by some saints, some sinners,...

The Third Day Comes: The 911 War

The Third Day Comes: The 911 War Isaiah 2:1-4 On September the 11th, America was attacked with a grievous loss of life. War was declared—war, which in the words of our President, would be like no other war ever fought. Because of that, no one seems to know what to...

Let’s Make America Beautiful Again

Let's Make America Beautiful Again I Peter 2:13-17Back when this nation was being ripped apart by divisions over the Viet Nam war, a bumper sticker appeared and became rather popular. It read “America—Love It or Leave It.” I hated that bumper sticker because the...

For Freedom Christ Has Set Us Free🎧📺

For Freedom Christ Has Set Us Free Galatians 5:1-14Of all the spectacular exhibits at Disney World’s Epcot, the one I love the best is the “American Adventure.” I never experience that stunning portrayal of our American ideals without rejoicing all over again that I...

God Bless America But Please Hurry!🎧

God Bless America But Please Hurry! Genesis 26:12-22Bob Whitehead, a member of our church, spends a lot of time on the road, traveling in his work. He is forever jotting down humorous or thought-provoking lines he sees on bumper stickers or billboards—and then he...

One Nation Under God🎧

One Nation Under God Psalm 33:1-12I would ask you to come with me to Gettysburg. The date: November 19, 1863. The signs of the battle which occurred 4 1/2 months before are still much in evidence: flattened fences, broken trees, burned-out homes. Not a pleasant scene....

Dear Miss Liberty: A Letter To The Lady With The Lamp🎧

Dear Miss Liberty: A Letter To The Lady With The Lamp Psalm 85:4-13A new book was published this past week. It is a book of letters. It seems that over the last three years as people from all over America have sent in their contributions for refurbishing the Statue of...

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